death, letter, life, love, poetry, sad

A Letter to My Late Grandmother

Dear Grandma,

Known to the general public as Mrs Patience Philomena Naa Ayeley Lartey, you were my maternal grandmother. You were more than just that, though. You were the second best friend I made after your husband, my grandfather; my mother and chief babysitter who took care of me when my parents were at work for over 19 years; and my co-telenovela watcher.

My after-school childhood was mainly me running into your room after getting home so we could watch those Mexican telenovelas on your TV (to my mother’s disdain πŸ˜†). Even when I had grown a little older and moved on to Indian telenovelas, I enjoyed discussing the stressful characters and their “tensious” relationships with you. You have always had controversial opinions, and I enjoyed our little banters here and there.

We had our moments of disagreements, yes. And I won’t lie; the older I grew, the more I detached from you. But I always felt that you wouldn’t die anytime soon and would be there to scold at least one of your great-grandchildren. When you fell ill last year, I thought it would just be one of those things you would bounce back from.

I didn’t cry when I first heard the news that you had passed on. I remember trying to force out a few tears when others encouraged me to mourn, but aside from feeling the pricks of salt behind my eyes, I couldn’t shed a single one. Was it because I didn’t miss you? No, but I guess I knew that you had been in a lot of pain and are, God-willing, smiling pain-free in Heaven now.

It wasn’t until your funeral service, when one lady kept raising hymns that I actually broke down. If there’s one thing anyone knew about you, it’s that you loved singing hymns. Especially when you had your favourite drink in a cup πŸ˜…. The hymn book Naa and I took to SHS was gifted by you, and it is certainly one of the memories I treasure from my time in a Methodist school.

Speaking of gifts, I recall the numerous occasions you would call me to your room so you can hand down some cloths, dresses, outfits, etc etc. If only you had bequeathed a few of your shades and wigs, we could have dressed as twins πŸ˜‚.

I miss you, Grandma, even though I didn’t say it much when you were around. I no longer have you there to comment on my weight gain and/or loss when I come home from school. I no longer have you calling me to carry your numerous bags to and from the taxi. I no longer have to prepare dinner for you by 7pm when the telenovela on TV3 ends.

I learned how to scratch airtime recharge cards at an early age because of you. Oh, Grandma and phones πŸ˜…. I can’t count the number of times I had to sit by you and either delete SMSes or go through your contact list to help you delete numbers you didn’t need or want anymore.

At the time, all these felt stressful and annoying. Now I kind of wish I had one more chance to do them with a smile on my face.

Three months, two weeks and five days after receiving the call, I am still a little emotional. I wish I could have been there to visit you in the hospital, but I also know that I would have definitely broken down if I had seen you then. So I am content knowing that I last saw you surrounded by family and loved ones at your 82nd birthday party. You were in pain, but you sat down and tried to have a good time.

I love you so much, Grandma, and I look forward to seeing you singing with the angels in Heaven.

Bkor πŸ’™

God, life, love, Our First Valentine, poetry, series

Our First Love (#5 OFV Series)

It was Valentine when we first fell in love.
When we finally came to understand that love is not a feeling, but a choice.
A decision to look beyond our different views and unique characteristics,
Beyond your pet peeves and my nit-pickiness
And choose to love.
To look beyond our past heartaches and youthful mistakes,
Beyond you kissing that girl and me sending those pics
And choose forgiveness.
I chose you, and you chose me
So we choose to keep what God brought together
Man and woman who grow with each other
Husband and wife who stick in good and bad weather
For richer and for poorer
Till death do us part.
And it all started with
Our First Look,
Our First Hug,
Our First Kiss,
Our First Fight,
Our First Love.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! It was an interesting experience writing this poetry series and exploring the stages of a relationship. I suggest that you love each other before marrying thoughπŸ˜‚. Thanks for your support! Love,

life, love, Our First Valentine, poetry, sad, series

Our First Fight (#4 OFV Series)

It was Valentine when we had our first fight.
As I think about it now, I don’t remember why we had a row
But I remember it was a bitter battle of bickering bereft of a breakthrough,
You battered me with your words, babbling like a brook over how I blew you bankrupt.
We played a vicious game of Monopoly,
I passed Go but you refused to pay up,
You would rather go to jail than spend more time with me on our board
And I was bored, and angry, and upset
So I said mean words I didn’t mean
And you meant the mean words you couldn’t say.
We spent days refusing to speak with each other,
Steaming like a pot of soup
I thought we were birds of a feather but we found ourselves in a pot of soup
Cooking slowly and definitely surely.
“Were we headed for our end?”, I asked myself
Unsure of our previously beautiful future,
And it all started with
Our First Fight.

A storm in and not over paradise, I see. Catch the finale tomorrow! Love,

love, Our First Valentine, poetry, series

Our First Kiss (#3 OFV Series)

It was Valentine when we had our first kiss.
Two years after we first met,
I met you down the aisle,
Excited, exhilarated, and all but exhausted by the journey we were about to undertake.
When the minister gave us permission,
You gave me a shy smile,
Hiding your nervousness as your best man was wiping your perspiration,
You gave me sly smile,
Hinting at the vows you would be sealing when your lips met mine,
Oh, when your lips met mine!
I saw why authors write about girls writing about their first kiss.
This was ours, and it was both soft and sweet,
Both tense and tender,
Both raw and romantic.
I could hear your thoughts and how they promised me the world in our union
And it all started with
Our First Kiss.

I am looking forward to my first kiss at the altar! Are you? Love,

love, Our First Valentine, poetry, series

Our First Hug (#2 OFV Series)

It was Valentine when we had our first hug.
We had just finished conversing, and it seemed the best way to say goodbye
Was with the meeting of our bodies for a few seconds.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Five extremely quick seconds,
But when we parted, I wanted to come back for seconds so badly,
I nearly Olivia Twisted myself, coming to ask for more.
A hug is truly the connecting of hearts,
Because you made me the Queen of Hearts with how I felt mine meld with yours.
I could feel your strength,
A testimony of how many hours you spent building yourself up;
I could feel your scars,
A memoir of the battles you waged, some won and some barely escaped;
I could feel our past, present and future,
A foretelling of the possibilities awaiting us if we would try;
And it all started with
Our First Hug.

That one person can give that one hug that makes you feel better. See you in two days for Part 3! Love,

love, Our First Valentine, poetry, series

Our First Look (#1 OFV Series)

It was Valentine when we had our first look.
Our pupils met, and like good students, we were ready to learn everything about each other.
I looked into your iris and found my Barry Allen.
There were fireworks in our eyes,
Flames beating so high,
I would have burned to a crisp stuck in your gaze.
It was crush at first sight,
Emotions running high as a kite.
I just felt sweet, sweet, bliss
And all I wanted to do was give you a…gist about my day,
Yearning to spend my whole day staring into the windows of your soul,
Learning everything and nothing about you
Because who can tell truth from real lies when we communicate with our real eyes?
I realise I am falling into the chocolate-coloured ocean that flows beneath your eyelids
But if I drown, at least I’ll drown in you.
And it all started with
Our First Look.

Love is in the air and in our eyes! I hope you enjoyed this. Come back in two days for Day 2 of Our First Valentine ! Love,

Christmas, food, life, poetry, series, This is Christmas to Me

This is Christmas to Me (Full Poem)

Christmas to me
Is full of sweet songs and care-free carols
From jingling bells to far-away mangers
We ask Mary if she knew as we deck our halls with boughs
Everyone, even the bah-humbugging Scrooges and Christmas-stealing Grinches, knows at least one memorable tune
Songs made hundreds of years ago and their modern remixes fill the December skies
As radio stations and Spotify streamers pay homage to these great tunes
Some songs are full of holly and jolly
Reminding us to be merry and full of cheer
Others are more sober and soft
Calmly bidding us to slow down our busy lives and ponder on the season
Even if I could have forgotten what time of year it is, the songs always bring my memory back with joyous bursts
And this, is Christmas to me

Christmas to me
Is full of the aromas of good food cooking
From the Ghanaian Jollof and chicken
To the Western turkey and pudding
We may disagree on a lot of things,
But nothing brings people together like Christmas meals
Even when Mama calls me to come and cook in the kitchen,
I power through the steaming heat and angry onions
In anticipation of the ballad of flavours that would play on my tongue
The festive joy that will slowly slide down my throat
And calmly settle in my stomach, ready to make me content with its contents
Even the most common food is special during the season
Every seasoning adds a new little kick
To the finger-licking good meal
And this, is Christmas to me

Christmas to me
Is full of decorated shopping centres bidding us to buy trees and tinsel
When several hawkers peddle Santa hats inscribed with “Merry Christmas” and “Happy 2024”
And when most houses, buildings and roundabouts shine red, blue, yellow and green with their strings of lights
It’s one of the most colourful and bright seasons of the year
Almost every night sky bursts with spectacular fireworks that herald the coming new year
And some towns celebrate with parades of Santa Clauses of all shapes, sizes and colours
Even if your home takes its decorations down immediately after the 26th,
Or leaves them up until the next Easter,
The season is truly glorious and bright
And this, is Christmas to me

Christmas to me
Is full of memory lane-travelling and reminiscing thoughts
When people reflect on the events of the year
Remembering what was gained and who was lost.
We shed tears of joy and grieve with tears of nostalgia
We look forward to better things in the coming new year while being overcome with emotions about what took place in the past
Some mourn the deceased and some celebrate new life
But everyone feels something during the season
Even if we burst into tears when mourning,
Or let a few loose while praising the reason for the season,
It’s okay to acknowledge that this time makes us cry
And this, is Christmas to me

Christmas to me
Is full of anticipation towards the coming new year
When lists of resolutions start getting drafted
And character changes start getting planned
We plan, pray and prepare for a new beginning
Where we hope for better and brighter days
Where the sadness of the previous year turns into battle scars
And any losses become notches on our bedposts
To serve as reminders of where we came from and motivation for the journey ahead.
Even if we were broken and bruised,
Or had the best time of our lives,
We can always have faith that we will make it through whatever life throws at us
And this, is Christmas to me

It has been a wonderful five weeks journeying through what Christmas means to me. I hope you enjoyed it, and have a very Happy New Year!!

Christmas, life, poetry, series, This is Christmas to Me

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Christmas to me
Is full of anticipation towards the coming new year
When lists of resolutions start getting drafted
And character changes start getting planned
We plan, pray and prepare for a new beginning
Where we hope for better and brighter days
Where the sadness of the previous year turns into battle scars
And any losses become notches on our bedposts
To serve as reminders of where we came from and motivation for the journey ahead.
Even if we were broken and bruised,
Or had the best time of our lives,
We can always have faith that we will make it through whatever life throws at us
And this, is Christmas to me

Next year all our troubles will be out of sight…

Christmas, death, life, poetry, sad, series, This is Christmas to Me

Christmas Makes Me Cry

Christmas to me
Is full of memory lane-travelling and reminiscing thoughts
When people reflect on the events of the year
Remembering what was gained and who was lost.
We shed tears of joy and grieve with tears of nostalgia
We look forward to better things in the coming new year while being overcome with emotions about what took place in the past
Some mourn the deceased and some celebrate new life
But everyone feels something during the season
Even if we burst into tears when mourning,
Or let a few loose while praising the reason for the season,
It’s okay to acknowledge that this time makes us cry
And this, is Christmas to me

And sometimes Christmas makes me cry…

Christmas, poetry, series, This is Christmas to Me

O Christmas Tree

Christmas to me
Is full of decorated shopping centres bidding us to buy trees and tinsel
When several hawkers peddle Santa hats inscribed with “Merry Christmas” and “Happy 2024”
And when most houses, buildings and roundabouts shine red, blue, yellow and green with their strings of lights
It’s one of the most colourful and bright seasons of the year
Almost every night sky bursts with spectacular fireworks that herald the coming new year
And some towns celebrate with parades of Santa Clauses of all shapes, sizes and colours
Even if your home takes its decorations down immediately after the 26th,
Or leaves them up until the next Easter,
The season is truly glorious and bright
And this, is Christmas to me

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree / How lovely are thy branches…