God, life, love, Our First Valentine, poetry, series

Our First Love (#5 OFV Series)

It was Valentine when we first fell in love.
When we finally came to understand that love is not a feeling, but a choice.
A decision to look beyond our different views and unique characteristics,
Beyond your pet peeves and my nit-pickiness
And choose to love.
To look beyond our past heartaches and youthful mistakes,
Beyond you kissing that girl and me sending those pics
And choose forgiveness.
I chose you, and you chose me
So we choose to keep what God brought together
Man and woman who grow with each other
Husband and wife who stick in good and bad weather
For richer and for poorer
Till death do us part.
And it all started with
Our First Look,
Our First Hug,
Our First Kiss,
Our First Fight,
Our First Love.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! It was an interesting experience writing this poetry series and exploring the stages of a relationship. I suggest that you love each other before marrying though😂. Thanks for your support! Love,