God, letter, life, love, poetry, Testimony

The LamBo’s Prayer

Hello Daddy,
Don’t be angry but it’s your stubborn daughter again.
The one who keeps running away then coming back
Pushed by the weight of her disobedience and pulled by the power of your love.
How you’ve kept me for soon-to-be 18 years really amazes me
You’ve led me through this maze called life
Calling this cat when she strays
This was no Sesame Street.
When I want to worship you,
My spirit yearns to belt out the truth
No helmet is hard enough to protect you from the shock.
Your word says that a young person can stay pure by living according to it,
That I must die to my flesh, choosing you over all else.
Yet I came again
Again and again, my body produced fluids and enzymes that overrode the common sense you give
My mind lost the battle because I didn’t even give you the chance to fight on my behalf
And for that, I’m sorry.
But that’s the thing
No matter how much I apologise, you still choose to welcome me home
The prodigal daughter returns and there’s a feast
A celebration of joy at the finding of the lost sheep
I will sit at your heavenly banquet
Dining on your daily bread of joy
Drinking from the cup that overflows with your benevolence
Goodness and mercy are the salt and pepper of my life
Seasoning me throughout the changing seasons
I’m grateful to blessed
I’m blessed to be great.
Today, and for the rest of my life,
I’ll give a testimony of what you’ve done for me.
Thank you

Hiii! It’s been a long while but I’m definitely glad to be back with a new poetry series called Testimony which will be from 1st to 8th September. This is the first piece and you can watch my spoken word video of it on my YouTube channel, Gems from a Sapphire. I hope you’re blessed by it!